Oxfam in the fight for Women

Poverty doesn’t just occur following war or natural disaster. For some people, they are more likely to live in poverty just because of their genes. In many parts of the world, women are denied their humans rights and privileges that men may enjoy.Across the world, women make up the majority of those in poverty and […]


Oxfam in the fight for Women

Poverty doesn’t just occur following war or natural disaster. For some people, they are more likely to live in poverty just because of their genes. In many parts of the world, women are denied their humans rights and privileges that men may enjoy.Across the world, women make up the majority of those in poverty and […]


GrowGlo ©CaliLili™ #GirlPower…

GrowGlo ©CaliLili™ #GirlPower #LGBT #BlackLivesMatter #JusticeForAll © CaliLili™2015AllRightsReserved TheCaliLiliIndies™ PicturesWordsMusicInMotion™ FeMtO™StudiO ALoFTOnWater™ VenusBeach™ CuttingEdgeOfThePacific™ RippleZOverTheWaveZ™ GreenSpaceBluePlanet™ BluePlanetGreenSpace™ IndiGoGreen™ GrassRootZSproutZ™ HandMadeToMakeADifference™ WoManiFestO™ FeMPoWorD™ SociallyResponsive™ MultiMedia reEVOLution™ entertainmentARTS+publishing™ #LabelFree #lgbtq #lgbt #WomensRights #womeninscience #womeninbusiness #civilrights #HumanRights #sandrabland😔


Suffragette – The Movie…

As a woman watching Suffragette I was filled with an array of emotions… Sadness, sympathy, empathy, anger, frustration, disgust. None of which were directed at the film itself which was, in my opinion, a tasteful adaptation of the suffragette movement; showing just enough to portray the events factually without being too grotesque. The main protagonist […]


Women Uncover: Welcome Message

Hello and welcome to Women Uncover. After many months of extensive research, this Multi-Media project is finally seeing the day – a day to be remembered! Here is what it is all about. Back in the Fall of 2015, I started digging into the current state of affairs in Feminism, and looking at how women around […]


Vidéo – La conférence de la Journée internationale de la femme à Paris – 2016

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Source: Vidéo – La conférence de la Journée internationale de la femme à Paris – 2016



Le 27 février, dans le cadre des préparatifs de la Journée internationale de la femme, un grand rassemblement intitulé « Engagement pour la parité : Les femmes unies contre l’intégrisme » a eu lieu à Paris, avec de nombreuses personnalités politiques, des intellectuels, des personnalités de premier plan, et les militants du mouvement pour l’égalité de 26 pays et quatre continents.

L’orateur principal était la présidente élue Maryam Radjavi de la Résistance iranienne, qui a abordé le sujet des élections fictives iraniennes, le sort des femmes en Iran et le rôle des femmes comme la principale force capable d’affronter et de déraciner l’intégrisme. Elle a appelé les femmes en Iran et dans le monde entier à s’unir pour apporter la liberté à l’Iran, la paix au Moyen-Orient et de la sécurité dans le monde.img_17912112141113111331211234112221221112111cfyoauwwgaeakb9112creoqzxwuaa-gvw1112511422Featured Image -- 97281548736735222d8a7d984d985d8acd984d8b3-d8a7d984d988d8b7d986d98a-d984d984d985d982d8a7d988d985d8a9-d8a7d984d8a7d98ad8b1d8a7d986d98ad8a92

Parmi les orateurs se trouvait Linda Chavez, ancienne directrice de la maison blanche pour la communication avec le public et experte de la Sous-Commission des Nations Unies pour les droits de l’Homme ; Rama Yade, ancienne ministre française des droits de l’Homme ; Ingrid Betancourt, ex-candidate présidentielle colombienne ; Rita Sussmuth, ancienne présidente du Bundestag allemand ; Ranjana Kumari, directrice du Centre for Social Research et 5e lauréate du Prix Leadership Lotus de l’Inde ; Nagham Ghadri, vice-présidente de la Coalition nationale syrienne ; Rashida Manjoo et Yakin Erturk, anciennes Rapporteurs spéciaux des Nations Unies sur la Violence contre les femmes ; Christine Ockrent, journaliste française, écrivain et célèbre commentatrice de télévision ; Beatriz Becerra, membre du Parlement européen d’Espagne ; Stefania Pezzopane, sénatrice italienne ; Marguerite Duran Vadell, sénatrice espagnole ; Fatiha Bakkali au nom de femmes législatrices du Maroc ; Najima Thay Thay, ancienne ministre de l’Education et de la Jeunesse au Maroc ; Anissa Boumediene, ancienne première dame d’Algérie, spécialiste de l’Islam et juriste ; Azza Heikal, écrivain égyptienne et professeur d’arabe à l’université affilié à la Ligue arabe et chef de file du Conseil des femmes des tribus arabes ; Majedeh Novaishi, vice-présidente de la Coalition des représentants des femmes arabes d’Égypte ; Drita Avdyli, ancienne vice-première ministre et actuelle présidente de la chambre nationale de médiation, Diana Culi, écrivain journaliste et femme politique, Sevim Arbana, fondatrice de l’organisation utile aux femmes albanaises d’Albanie ; une délégation de juristes, dont l’ancien juge de la ICC Fatoumata Dembélé Diarra (Mali), Kirsty Brimelow et Sara Chandler (Grande-Bretagne), présidente de la commission des droits de l’Homme de la fédération de l’association des bars européens ; Maria Candida Almeida, avocate générale à la Cour suprême du Portugal ; Zinat Mirhashemi, membre du Conseil national de la Résistance iranienne et membre du comité central de l’organisation Cherik-hay-e Fedaii (OIPFG) ; Safora Sadidi, membre du conseil central de l’OMPI ; et un grand nombre d’autres présidents d’associations et de communautés de jeunes soutenant la Résistance iranienne.

Mme Sarvnaz Chitsaz, présidente du Comité des femmes du CNRI, Mme Zolal Habibi, membre du Conseil central de l’OMPI, et Mme Linda Chavez étaient les modératrices du programme.

Nancy Pelosi, chef de la minorité de la Chambre des représentants des États-Unis ; la Baronne Boothroyd, ancienne présidente de la Chambre des communes du Royaume-Uni ; les députées américaines Loretta Sanchez et Judy Chu ; et l’éminente anthropologue et écrivain français Françoise Heritier a envoyé des messages à la conférence.

Les conférenciers ont discuté des moyens de faire face à l’extrémisme islamique comme le principal défi du monde. Montrant l’exemple réussi de la Résistance iranienne dans la réalisation de l’égalité des femmes et son rôle de pionnier dans tous les domaines dans la lutte contre l’intégrisme, ils ont insisté sur le leadership de Mme Radjavi.

Ils ont déclaré que les femmes sont les principales victimes de l’intégrisme. Avec la solidarité et l’unité d’action, ils peuvent jouer un rôle important et essentiel dans la lutte contre ce phénomène inquiétant qui a dépassé toutes les frontières géographiques et toutes les limites de la violence de nos jours.

Le grand rassemblement a présenté une performance d’un enfant syrien représentant la douleur et la souffrance du peuple syrien. Il a également présenté des performances dépeignant les exécutions de jeunes femmes iraniennes et le rôle des mères de prisonniers politiques, ainsi que la tragédie des attaques à l’acide sur les jeunes femmes de l’Iran.


All articles – Tenth Wall Defense 4 Human Rights

Tenth Wall Defense 4 Human Rights




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金田 芳和

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#SocialMedia NC

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Saudi Arabia threatens to execute people for ‘tweeting rumours’

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Syria Crisis: Russian Missiles ‘Crash In Iran’

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Reprisals Against Children of Human Rights Defenders in UAE

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Turkey Slams Russia for Syria Attacks, Warns Could Sever Energy Ties

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The bombardment of a hospital is a too-frequent ‘accident’. It’s also a war crime | Bernard Kouchner

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Rethinking Criticisms Levelled at Iran’s Supreme Council of Cyberspace · Global Voices

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globalvoices.org – This article was written by Small Media researcher Kyle Bowen. To find a longer and more detailed version, see the original report on Medium. A few weeks ago, the International Campaign for Human R…


Syrian offensive, with more Russian airstrikes, targets rebel groups

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csmonitor.com – Damascus, Syria — Clashes intensified Thursday between Syrian troops and insurgents in central and northwestern Syria, part of what a top general called a “wide-ranging” offensive aided by Russian …


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Dozens of Secret Service staffers implicated in latest scandal

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The Daily Life of a Prison Guard

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en.iranwire.com – Veteran guards serving at Evin Prison’s Ward 350 are fond of feeling sorry of themselves. “All of you go free eventually,” says a guard who has been working as the prison for 20 years. “We are the …


Lebanon: The return of the police state

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alaraby.co.uk – Analysis: The security state in Lebanon did not end with the withdrawal of the Syrian army; some agencies have weakened to the advantage of others, writes Thaer Ghandour. Lebanon was never a police…


Political Cartoons Defy Censorship to Expose Thai-Style ‘Democracy’ · Global Voices

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Refugees take charge of Danish newspaper for a day

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theguardian.com – Refugees facing hostile politicians and press in Denmark were given the run of a daily newspaper on Friday to present a radically different picture of the thousands of asylum seekers knocking on Eu…


The Instagram Kids of Baluchistan

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en.iranwire.com – For the past two years, his home province has been the subject of his photographs — from sheds around neighboring villages, the Gulf of Oman port of Chabahar at sunset and the tall palm trees of Ir…


Nepal turns to United Nations over ‘obstruction’ of trade point with India – The Economic Times

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Coroner rules there will be NO inquest into Anni Dewani’s death

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dailymail.co.uk – The family of murdered newlywed Anni Dewani have vowed to continue their fight for answers after a coroner ruled there will not be a full inquest into her death.  Mrs Dewani’s family had hoped such…


How website behind abuse lies smeared Panorama reporter

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Housemaid has her hand chopped off by female Saudi Arabian employer

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Manhunt for ‘internet lover’ of mother found dead in north east London

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Coroner blasts ‘chain of failures’ that led to mother and baby deaths

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dailymail.co.uk – By Sophie Jane Evans for MailOnline and Press Association Reporter A coroner today blasted a ‘chain of failures’ by health professionals that contributed to the death of a mentally-ill mother who w…


William and Kate visit to shine a light on World Mental Health Day

yahoonewsdigest-gb.tumblr.com – The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge will mark World Mental Health Day by meeting young people who have battled the issue and are now helping others. They will visit Harrow College in north-west Londo…


Yemen: The Tragedy Continues | New Eastern Outlook

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Johanne Stuenes

journal-neo.org – Saudi military aggression against Yemen should be stopped immediately, said UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon at a meeting with the Foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia Adel bin Ahmed Al-Jubeir. Moreove…


IMF Survey : Sub-Saharan Africa Faces Slowest Growth Since 2009

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imf.org – While growth in sub-Saharan Africa is still stronger than in many regions, economic activity in several countries has weakened markedly in recent months, prompting the IMF to mark down its forecast…


To Succeed, You Must Fail First

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Jordan Thomas

opwh.wordpress.com –    To many people, the meaning of success means having a significant amount of millions of dollars and everything they could ever dream of. Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing bad about having that…


Sisi calls on Arab countries to expand peace with Israel – Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

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Johanne Stuenes

al-monitor.com – CAIRO — Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi recently called for expanding the 40-year-old peace process between Egypt and Israel to include more Arab countries. In a Sept. 26 interview with the…


“2050: A Brief History of the Future” on view at Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium

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UNDP welcomes the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to Tunisia’s National Dialogue Quartet for its role in the country’s transition to democracy

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undp.org – New York – Sima Bahous, UN Assistant Secretary-General, and UNDP Assistant Administrator and Director of the Regional Bureau of Arab States, welcomed today’s decision of the Norwegian Nobel Committ…


Mission to Mars: NASA unveils 3-part plan to put people on the red planet

yahoonewsdigest-us.tumblr.com – NASA has outlined the many challenges that remain before humans can set foot on Mars, calling the problems “solvable” but setting no firm date for an astronaut mission to the red planet. Updated de…


News786-World Mental Health Day: Senior Citizens And Laws That Help Them

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Arif Maghribi

news786.in – With life expectancy increasing steadily, more and more people are living longer. And with this has come a number of new risks and challenges. Being harassed by their children for their deposits an…


How The Media Are Reporting On Europe’s Refugee Crisis

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Dewa Mavhinga

huffingtonpost.com – As part of our What’s Working initiative, HuffPost Media is looking at how media outlets around the world are covering major stories. Are they taking a sensational, distorting, “if it bleeds it lea…


Syria: Apparent Russian Airstrikes Kill Civilians

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Mr. Neeley

hrw.org – (New York) – Apparent Russian airstrikes on Talbiseh in northern Homs that killed at least 17 civilians should be investigated for possible violations of the laws of war. Two local media activists …


How justice is delivered in the Islamic State’s new capital along Libya’s Mediterranean coast

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washingtonpost.com – An Islamic State propaganda video shows a Libyan man, who was executed by the group in July, making what militants said was a confession to collaborating with opposing forces. The man’s family says…


Source: All articles – Tenth Wall Defense 4 Human Rights