Report documents widespread human rights abuses in Gambia


A Human Rights Watch report documents widespread human rights abuses in Gambia, which include the persecution of LGBT people.



Source: Report documents widespread human rights abuses in

a life sentence upon anyone found guilty of “aggravated homosexuality.” Human Rights Watch points out the new statute “had an immediate negative impact.”

The report notes that police and officials with the Gambian National Intelligence Agency “promptly rounded up dozens of men and women on suspicion of their sexual orientation.” It indicates that three men, one woman and a 17-year-old boy were held incommunicado for several weeks at the headquarters of the National Intelligence Agency where they were beaten.

The report notes “law enforcement harassment of gay men and lesbians turned into a ‘witch hunt’ after Jammeh signed the “aggravated homosexuality” law.

A lesbian woman told Human Rights Watch that she was detained twice last November at the headquarters of the National Intelligence Agency. She said she provided a list of names the authorities used to “track down and arrest supposed gay and lesbian Gambians” after two men from the Jungulers — a paramilitary force whose members are largely from Yammeh’s presidential guard — beat her.

“They wanted me to say that I am a lesbian and to tell them the names of the lesbians I knew,” said the woman, according to the Human Rights Watch report. “They said they would kill me; they took me behind the NIA (National Intelligence Agency) building and beat me with a fan belt. They forced me to say that I was a lesbian.”

A man told Human Rights Watch that he saw National Intelligence Agency agents detain a man they “suspected of homosexuality” last November. He said the man was held for eight days and was “subjected to regular abuse” before his transfer to a prison outside the Gambian capital of Banjul.

A Gambian court in July acquitted three men who had been charged under the country’s “aggravated homosexuality law.”

Human Rights Watch said more than 20 LGBT Gambians have fled the country since Jammeh signed the “aggravated homosexuality” law. The report indicates others have sought refuge in “remote areas within the country.”

Jammeh threatens to slit throats of gay men

Gambia is among the more than 70 countries in which consensual same-sex sexual relations remain criminalized.

The report notes Jammeh has “a long history of virulent anti-gay hate speech” that includes a threat he made during a May rally that he would slit the throats of gay men who live in his country. Human Rights Watch also indicates that LGBT Gambians faced arbitrary arrests, employment discrimination and other abuses before their country’s president signed the “aggravated homosexuality law.”

A gay man who said he was arrested during a 2012 birthday party with 17 other men told Human Rights Watch that police took them out of their cell and told “everyone we are homosexual.” He said a court later acquitted them of committing “unnatural acts,” but they faced continued harassment and discrimination.

U.S. urged to impose travel ban on Gambian officials

A man who asked the Washington Blade not to publish his name said Gambian authorities in late 2012 detained him for allegedly passing information from the government to foreign journalists.

The man, who had worked in Jammeh’s office before his arrest, said he was unable to communicate with his wife for the first six months of his detention. He also noted to the Blade on Wednesday during a telephone interview that he had no access to legal representation, medical care or food.

“I was treated very badly,” he said, noting he was denied access to a shower for several weeks at a time. “I was treated worse than the devil.”

The Obama administration has repeatedly criticized Gambia over its human rights record.

The White House last December announced the country is no longer eligible to take part in a duty-free trade program that allows sub-Saharan African countries to access American markets because of “the lack of progress with respect to human rights, rule of law” and other issues.

Among the recommendations in the Human Rights Watch report is for the U.S. and other countries and international bodies, such as the European Union, to impose travel bans or “other targeted sanctions” against Gambian officials responsible for human rights abuses in their country. A State Department spokesperson in July declined to tell the Blade whether Washington has any plans to implement such measures.

The man who once worked for Jammeh’s office was able to flee to a country he asked the Blade not to identify. He said the Obama administration “has done little or nothing” in response to Gambia’s human rights record.


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A propósito de China: Tiananmén

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R Martínez – En estos días de euforia electoral, de viajes presidenciales a China y acuerdos con Vietnam, preocupa algunas expresiones que elevan propagandistamente regímenes totalitarios. Quienes consideramos …


Confession of a former wearable-skeptic: What I thought about wearables was wrong – When I first heard about wearable technology, I had an erroneous opinion about its usability. On one hand I thought that people in the first world were consuming wearables because of their novelty …


F N Souza’s painting for 16.8 crore tops Saffronart auction – The Economic Times

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桜 sakura – NEW DELHI: Modern Indian painter F N Souza’s oil-on-masonite artwork titled “Man and Woman Laughing” sold for approximately Rs 16.84 crore ($ 2.5 million) topping the 15th anniversary auction here …


Restructuring of sovereign debt: UN Expert stresses GA principles are binding

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Johanne Stuenes – NEW YORK (10 September 2015) – The Independent Expert on the effects of foreign debt and human rights, Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky, welcomed today the new resolution adopted by the United Nations Genera…


Mother And Child Behind Bars: The Women Of Afghanistan’s Prisons

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Johanne Stuenes – In 2010, photographer Gabriela Maj was working on a project about an artist in Afghanistan when one of her editors suggested she take a look at Afghan women’s prisons. Maj recalls: “He said, you kn…


Environment Canada: Stop the legal slaughter of Polar Bears by trophy hunters

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Wouter Klijn – Polar Bears are some of the most majestic and beautiful animals in the world. The global population estimate is between 20 000 and 22 000. This classifies the Polar Bear as ‘threatened.’ Polar Bear…


Europe – Video: Border guards throw food for refugees in Hungary – “It was inhumane and it really speaks for these people that they didn’t fight over the food, despite being clearly very hungry,” said Michaela Spritzendorfer, an Austrian volunteer at the centre wh…


Zoo Visitor Sees The Worst And Does The Exact Right Thing

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RITA G – Last month, Samar Khan was on vacation in Pakistan when she stopped for a visit at the Murghazar Zoo, in the capital city of Islamabad — but the cheery outing was soon drained of any joy. There, Kh…


A message to all the refugees arriving in Germany | Daniel Bröckerhoff

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Johanne Stuenes – my name is Daniel Bröckerhoff, I am a freelance journalist and one of the hosts of the daily night news show „heute+“ at german public broadcaster ZDF.  We have been reporting on the ongoing refuge…


Le CNRI publie un rapport sur le non-respect des droits des femmes en Iran sous Rohani

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Amir Faroky – CNRI – Le Comité des femmes du Conseil national de la Résistance iranienne (CNRI) a publié un livre intitulé “Les femmes iraniennes sous Rouhani”, soulignant la violation des droits des femmes dura…


Featured: Intoxicating Paintings by Jeanne Gaigher

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simoneaparecida – Jeanne Gaigher is an emerging artist from Cape Town who’s on a fast-track into the contemporary art scene. Her debut solo exhibition, Club, opened at Smith Gallery recently, and this weekend Smith …


As A Man Here’s Why I Believe Gender Equality & Women’s Rights Are Also My Fight

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ChSuptTodd – I write from the perspective of a man who cares very much about women’s rights, gender equality, and homophobia. I’ve written about these issues within the context and framework of South Asia and p…


Extremist Settlers Vandalize Islamic Cemetery in Jerusalem – International Middle East Media Center – Shortly after Islamic Waqf personnel discovered the anti-Arab graffiti, the sources added that they attempted to remove it, but were prevented from continuing their work by Israeli police. Meanwhil…


Ya’alon: Israeli Security Knows Identity of Douma Terrorists – International Middle East Media Center – He claimed, according to Al Ray, that Israeli security sources held the settler assailants in administrative detention, without being tried, in order to protect the identity of intel sources. Israe…


Iran has a duty to take in Syrian refugees – Al Jazeera English

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AmisIran – The photograph of Aylan Kurdi, the three-year-old Syrian-Kurdish boy, whose body was discovered on a beach near the Turkish resort town of Bodrum, will haunt the world for generations to come. Ayla…


Imprisoned Leader of Spiritual Group on Hunger Strike

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AmisIran – Mohammad Ali Taheri, the leader of a spiritual group who has been behind bars since 2011 on charges of “corruption on earth” and “blasphemy,” has been on a hunger strike since August 13, 2015 to pr…


Without Effective Safety Laws or Unions, Workplace Deaths Increase in Iran

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AmisIran – Without adequate laws protecting workers’ safety or independent labor groups able to organize and advocate effectively for workers’ rights, workplace deaths in Iran have risen to alarming numbers. …


Denial of Higher Education Continues for Baha’i University Applicants in 2015 – Iran Press Watch

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AmisIran – Taghato: The final results of the nationwide university entrance exams for 2015 have been announced, and once more Baha’i applicants are not receiving their results due to what is called an “incomp…


25th Annual Conference of the Association of the Friends of Persian Culture – Iran Press Watch

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AmisIran – According to Baha’i News, the 25th Conference of the Association of the Friends of Persian Culture was held in Chicago from 3-6 September, with numerous intellectuals and artists in attendance. Bas…


Religious communities develop actions plans for Agenda 2030

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AmisIran – Representatives of the world’s major religions, including the Baha’i Faith, have offered to the United Nations a series of action plans and other contributions in support for the proposed Sustainab…


UN human rights experts welcome encouraging steps away from death penalty in China and India

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AmisIran – GENEVA (11 September 2015)  – The United Nations Special Rapporteurs on Summary Executions and on Torture welcomed today the recommendation made by the Indian Law Commission to abolish the death pe…


Putting an End to the ‘Refugee Crisis’

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AmisIran – Most of the Syrians we see on the nightly news and on newspaper front pages are not fleeing war-torn Syria. The three-year-old Aylan Kurdi (his real name is Alan Shenu) whose heartrending death was…img_1791211214111311133121123

Tenth Wall Defense 4 Human Rights

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Tenth Wall Defense 4 Human Rights




Catherine La Rose: Alexander Voronkov ✿ – Alexander Voronkov ✿ Alexander Voronkov /Aлександр воронков russian painter, 1961 OTHER PAINTINGS AND BIOGRAPHY IN: In…


How to get more Twitter followers free fast: @1HardRockerBabe

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pk – Tell the people what you crooks really do! 1 million promotion accounts to sell products! Millions of social media accounts made worldwide to sell products! The biggest cyber crime bust ever online…


Turkey charges Vice News reporters with aiding terrorist group – A Turkish court has charged three journalists working with Vice News with “aiding a terrorist organisation” and ordered their arrest pending trial in a move that has caused indignation and outrage …


Thousands of refugees arrive in Vienna and Munich – Al Jazeera English

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Jean Pailler – Trains from Hungary carrying thousands of refugees have started arriving in Vienna and Munich. In the latest twist in a humanitarian and political crisis that is now testing the survival of both Eu…


Le massacre des prisonniers politiques en 1988 en Iran reste impuni – Maryam Radjavi

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Amir Faroky – L’été 1988 fut l’apogée de l’horreur pour le peuple iranien qui a vu des milliers de prisonniers politiques pendus en quelques semaines dans les prisons du pays. Ces prisonniers qui purgeaient leur…


Gallery: Dustin Yellin’s resin and glass megaworks

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Tawn Neidy – When Dustin Yellin was eight years old, he buried a dollar bill, a pen and a fork inside a box, with the specific idea that aliens might find it in the future. It’s unclear what he hoped might happ…


Hassan Rouhani – We Need to Express ‘Death to America’ with Action | Clarion Project

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MICOL – “Saying ‘Death to America’ is easy. We need to express ‘Death to America’ with action.” “I call on the international community to stand united against this persistent cultural cleansing.” “Islamism…


Women 50 per cent more likely than men to have malaria

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ToOur Shores – [NAIROBI] A household survey in Kenya has established that the prevalence of malaria parasites remains high in adults, and that women are more likely to have malaria than men.   The WHO says that g…


Did India village council really order rape of two sisters? – BBC News

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zarina ahmed – More than 100,000 people have signed a petition by Amnesty International after allegations that a village council in India ordered that two women be raped as punishment because their brother eloped…


Meet Fazle Hasan Abed, The Man Who Lifted 15 Crore Poor Out Of Poverty

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zarina ahmed – This is another feather in his cap. Fazle Hasan Abed of Bangladesh is the winner of The World Food Prize 2015 and will receive the US$ 2,50,000 in Des Moines, Iowa, in October. The World Food prize…


Govt to protect working women’s rights

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a.searcher – RAWALPINDI: MNA Tahira Aurganzeb of Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz on Monday assured that the government would protect the rights of working women. Speaking at Women Workers Convention, organized by …


Israeli settlers take over large building in East Jerusalem; Palestinian protesters attacked – International Middle East Media Center – Takeover of Jamal Sarhan building in Silwan (image by The settlers broke into the main door of the building with the assistance of the soldiers. They then moved themselves and their b…


Activists in Iran pen open letter to Americans on nuclear deal

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AmisIran – People flash the ‘V for Victory’ sign as they celebrate in Tehran after the announcement of the deal. More than 50 prominent Iranian dissidents, political reformers and other civil society activist…


La grande catastrophe iranienne, c’est maintenant

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AmisIran – La signature, le 14 juillet dernier, après deux ans d’intenses négociations entre l’Iran, les cinq membres permanents du Conseil de sécurité et l’Allemagne, d’un accord sur le nucléaire qui prévoit…


Turkish court arrests two British Vice News journalists for ‘terror offences’ – BBC News

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AmisIran – Two British reporters and a translator have been formally charged by a Turkish court with “working on behalf of a terrorist organisation”. Vice News journalists Jake Hanrahan and Philip Pendlebury …


Visual Reports of Burial Ceremony of Honorable Sheikh of Ni’matullāhī Gonabadi, Mr. Ganji

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AmisIran – Visual Reports of Burial Ceremony of Honorable Sheikh of Ni’matullāhī Gonabadi, Mr. Ganji The burial and funeral ceremony of the honorable Sheikh of Ni’matullāhī Gonabadi , late Mr. Mahmoud Ganji N…


Visual Report of Journey of Rights Activists of Dervishes to Shiraz

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AmisIran – Visual Report of Journey of Rights Activists of Dervishes to Shiraz Rights activists and lawyers who have been recently released from prison, over  the past week traveled to Shiraz and were highly …


As tragedies shock Europe, a bigger refugee crisis looms in the Middle East

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AmisIran – Children play amid garbage at an informal Syrian refugee settlement near Zahle, Lebanon. (Sam Tarling/For The Washington Post) AL-MINYA, Lebanon — While the world’s attention is fixed on the tens o…


Washington Week on Human Rights: August 31, 2015

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AmisIran – Saudi Arabia This Friday King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia will make his first visit to the White House since ascending the throne. President Obama and King Salman are expected to d…


Mentally ill Iranian asylum seeker girl, 17, begs not to be sent back to Nauru

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AmisIran – A 17-year-old girl and her family who sought asylum in Australia expect to be returned to the offshore detention centre on Nauru, despite a psychiatrist’s recommendation against it because of the g…


Iranians are erasing ‘Death to America’ graffiti across Tehran

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AmisIran – In 1994, Jeff Mizanskey was convicted of attempting to buy several pounds of marijuana. It was his third conviction, after arrests in 1984 and 1991 for possessing more than 35 grams of marijuana, a…


Jailed Activist Diagnosed with Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis

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AmisIran – Family Hopes Atena Daemi Will Be Released on Medical Grounds A doctor at Evin Prison has diagnosed imprisoned children’s rights and civil activist Atena Daemi, 27, with having signs of multiple scl…


Wife of Imprisoned Pastor Asks US Officials to Obtain Release of Her Husband

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AmisIran – American officials must do more to obtain the release of unjustly imprisoned Iranian-Americans, according to the wife of Saeed Abedini, an Iranian-American pastor who is currently serving an eight-…


A Woman’s Right To Live Independently

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AmisIran – Since my article “Girls Who Flee From Home Are Not Criminals” was posted I have been asked a legal question which I would like to address here below. A 22-year woman from the countryside has writte…


The National Front Prohibited From Holding Any Meeting

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AmisIran – HRANA News Agency – Hossain Mousavian, the head of National Front party, was summoned by the intelligence service, and interrogated for three hours. He has been told that the National Front was not…


Interior ministry says new reformist party needs permit for political activity

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AmisIran – Iran’s Ministry of Interior announced on Monday August 31 that the Union of Islamic Nation of Iran does not have the necessary permit to begin political activities. Mehr News Agency reported on Mon…


Madeleine Albright: Iran deal is a win-win –

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AmisIran – Madeleine Albright served as U.S. secretary of state from 1997 to 2001. She is chair of the Albright‎ Stonebridge Group, a global strategic advisory and commercial diplomacy firm, and professor of …


Saudi king wants Obama to tackle Iranian ‘mischief’ – Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

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AmisIran – The new Saudi king will use his first official visit to the White House this week to make clear that his country’s lukewarm support for the nuclear deal with Iran comes with strings attached. King …


Mozambique journalist is shot dead while jogging

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AmisIran – A Mozambican journalist and publisher was shot dead on Friday (28 August) while jogging in the country’s capital, Maputo. Paulo Machava was exercising in the city centre before starting work when a…


Arbitrary detention: UN expert group to discuss over 30 cases from 21 countries

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AmisIran – GENEVA (31 August 2015) – The United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention* is meeting in Geneva from 31 August to 4 September 2015, to discuss over 30 cases of alleged deprivation of libert…


Number of inmates reaches record level in Turkey, exceeding 170,000

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AmisIran – The number of people imprisoned in Turkey has tripled during the 13-year rule of the Justice and Development Party (AK Party), totaling more than 170,000 in 2015. According to figures published in …


Journalists Reporting in Mali Receive Death Threats From ‘Guardians of Jihad’ · Global Voices

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AmisIran – A few journalists covering West Africa have received death threats following their reporting on the northern region of Mali. In the message sent on 31 August, a group that names itself “Les Gardien…


In Japan, Tens of Thousands Anti-War Protesters Reject Return to Militarism

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AmisIran – Tens of thousands of people gathered outisde the Japanese parliament building on Sunday to reject plans put forth by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe that would see an aggressive expansion of the nation’s…


Lebanon protesters to political leaders: Meet our demands of face escalation

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AmisIran – BEIRUT – Pressure was growing Sunday on Lebanon’s government after a protest campaign spurred by a trash crisis gave political leaders a deadline to meet their demands. “Your time is up,” the “You …


74 Prominent Iranians Urge Congress to Support Nuclear Deal with Iran

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AmisIran – The following letter, written by 74 prominent Iranians representing many spheres of civil society, urges members of the U. S. Congress to support nuclear agreement with Iran. The signers of the tex…


India’s top court suspends ban on Jains fasting to death – The Express Tribune

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AmisIran – India’s Jain community scored a legal victory Monday when the Supreme Court temporarily lifted a ban on the traditional ritual of Santhara, or fasting to death. Thousands of Jains protested across …


The Cry For Media Freedom in Egypt

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AmisIran – This post was originally published on The Toolbox, a tech and social impact initiative of Humanise, Inc. Something exquisitely tragic happens when power and politics bind the hands and mouths of jo…


Jason Rezaian’s Status Unclear After Iran Sentences 2

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AmisIran – TEHRAN — Iran’s judiciary sentenced two people to 10 years in prison on Sunday for spying for the United States and Israel, but their names were not released, local media reported. It was not clear…


Iran and Israel United in Opposition to Daniel Barenboim Concert

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AmisIran – Cultural diplomacy can be as knotty as any other kind. The conductor Daniel Barenboim’s efforts to lead the Berlin Staatskapelle at a concert in Tehran drew criticism this week from the Israeli cul…


Iran’s post-sanctions windfall may not benefit Hamas

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AmisIran – GAZA CITY — In the congressional battle being waged over the Iran nuclear deal, critics point to a likely windfall of cash and weapons that could flow from Tehran to terror groups, including the Is…


The Bernie Sanders surge –

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AmisIran – Errol Louis is the host of “Inside City Hall,” a nightly political show on NY1, a New York all-news channel. The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of the author. (CNN)Hillary C…


Iran’s Assassins in Berlin

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AmisIran – The Argentine prosecutor Alberto Nisman died mysteriously in January while trying to prove that the Argentine government helped cover up Iran’s responsibility for the horrific bombing of a Jewish c…


Church damaged after gunshots fired nearby, Fayetteville Police say

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AmisIran – FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. (WNCN) – A church was damaged after gunshots were fired about a block away in Fayetteville early Sunday morning, police said. The incident was first reported as a “shots fired” c…


Why Every Priest Needs to Teach Men about Catholic Manhood

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AmisIran – The New Emangelization Project has documented that a key driver of the collapse of Catholicism in the U. S. is a serious and growing Catholic “man-crisis”.[1] One third of baptized Catholic men hav…


9 Artists Challenging Our Perceptions of Afghanistan

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AmisIran – Forget what you think you know about Afghanistan, and take a look at the country through the eyes of these young artists who call it home.  Modern artists, many of whom reside in Kabul, are taking …


Syrian Women Demand End to Siege of Zabadani – Institute for Inclusive Security

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AmisIran – No corner of Syria has been untouched by the violence that has consumed the country for the past four years. The city of Zabadani is no exception. Located close to the border with Lebanon, Zabadani…


Gordon Brown: Union is in ‘mortal danger’ – BBC News

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AmisIran – Former Prime Minister Gordon Brown has said he believes the next 12 months could determine the long-term fate of the union between England and Scotland. Mr Brown said the union was in “mortal dange…


The 5 Democrats Obama needs most on Iran

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AmisIran – Iran deal opponents need only four of 14 undecided Democratic senators to put President Barack Obama in the awkward spot of vetoing an attempt to scuttle a crowning foreign policy achievement. That…


‘I Might Be In Prison, But The Work Will Continue’

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AmisIran – A prominent Azerbaijani investigative journalist and RFE/RL contributor has made a defiant closing statement in a courtroom in Baku, saying her trial on economic crimes charges has failed to crush …


Labour leadership: Corbyn under fire for Bin Laden comments – BBC News

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AmisIran – Jeremy Corbyn has been criticised for saying it was a “tragedy” that Osama Bin Laden was killed rather than being put on trial. The Labour leadership frontrunner made the remarks in 2011, shortly a…


Abandoned at Sea

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AmisIran – In May of this year, at least 5,000 refugees and migrants from Myanmar and Bangladesh found themselves stranded at sea when the people smugglers and ship crews who

All articles – Tenth Wall Defense 4 Human Rights

All articles – Tenth Wall Defense 4 Human Rights.